Paxton Vacances Hotel Management Group (since 2010 in China) has its origins from Pierre & Vacances Group (40 years in France), which was founded in the capital of romance, France. Paxton , which is derived from Latin archaism, means Easyhouse , and Vacances means vacation in French, The profound meaning of Paxton Vacances became Paxton’s core concepts: Natural , Partner , Elegance , Warm , and Unique . Paxton Vacances hopes to offer our guests more global choices of hotels, F&B and vacation.
柏栎酒店管理集团源于法国拥有40年历史的 Pierre &***160;Vacances家族(上市公司)。Paxton***160;Vacances于2010年进入中国,其 Pax 的古英文词意为 「和谐」、 ton意为「均衡」,Paxton 取二者之精华,寓意「易居」; Vacances则为法语「度假」之意。依地理之利,伴人和之势,借专业之功成就了柏栎伴、归、温、卓的品牌理念。酒店旨在贯穿如影随行的贴心服务的同时为尊贵客人提供回归自然、温暖、独特的目的地体验。
Paxton Hotel Group owns Five Brands: Paxton Vacances Hotel & Resorts, Paxton Park Hotel, Suiton plus By Paxton, Suiton By Paxton, Issara By Paxton.
柏栎酒店管理集团现运营五个品牌: 柏栎度假酒店 、 柏栎城市酒店 、 栎宜酒店 、 柏栎荟舍酒店柏栎主题酒店 ;涵盖了度假型、商务型、经济型、设计型四大酒店品类。
As for now, Paxton hotel are growing in vacation sites, developed cities and emerging markets, so Paxton has over 1500 guest rooms today and is looking forward to owning over 8000 guest room by the year of 2018.
PAXTON PARK HOTEL DAZHOU will let you experience its mysteries at the end of 2016. By your side is not a slogan, it’s our Service culture.
If you are a person with passion, this is a opportunity for you to show yourself out. JOIN US, YOU WILL SEE THE MIRACLE.